Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce September 22nd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars are not connected to any religion, the devotion comes from elsewhere... Despite of this, here you have a collection of religious speeches connected to Rolls-Royce:

a) The history of Rolls-Royce
b) User's Manual
c) Abundant veneers
d) British steel and aluminium
e) Foamed titanium
f) Crewe and Goodwood
g) For owner-drivers
h) Reaching perfect silence
i) Alternative power trains
j) Rolls-Royce and recycling
k) Igor
l) Wilton carpets
m) What we are living for
n) Rolls-Royce and the BMW Group
o) Who wanted to look like a cow
p) Life in a monastery
q) Millionaires and billionaires
r) Rolls-Royce and Royalty

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - In The Loving Memory Of A Blogger

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is not as easy to write about The Boeing Company: you need knowledge, you need relationships (worldwide!) and lots of emotions...

Our friend, who passed away so suddenly was a real fan a the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, he documented the success of this ultra-modern airplane from its design over its testing over its first deliveries... He was a prophet of the Boeing 737 MAX as well and his enthousiasm must have contributed to the success of this marvel of efficiency and to the record sales already during the design phase...

Our friend left us just when Air China made their order for 5 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinentals firm and he couldn't be part of the celebration any more... I would like to say thank you to Air China also in his name and I promise to write on about The Boeing Company in the spirit the late Blogger...

You can find an interesting article with a video about the Boeing ecoDemonstrator at ...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stone Age Online

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have made a short list of what kinds of documents you need if you want to use a passenger car:

1) driving license
2) road traffic validation
3) environmental certification
4) certification of originality
5) car insurances
6) car tax receipt
7) road toll receipt
8) service book

Here you have a short list of what you need if you want to use a computer:

1) internet account
2) virus protection and firewall
3) a couple of good browsers
4) a couple of email accounts
5) accounts of social media
6) a collection of favourites
7) management of mobile devices
8) messenger services

I definetily don't want to recall the stone age but I have the feeling that you need to choose between owning a car or a computer... Both objects require so many certifications or accounts that you simply don't have any more time and energy for anything else than keeping up the ownerships - if you want to have both a car and a computer...

No time and energy for a social life,
no time and energy for sports,
no time and energy for work,
no time and energy for hobbies etc.

What you may have instead is stress, physical decay, depression, boredom etc.

For example in a household where 2 adults live together you can have one car and one computer without becoming a slave of technology... However if you want to own both machines on your own then the rest of your life might shrink to misery... I have "chosen" to own a computer and to use public transportation...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team