Sunday, July 27, 2014

Welcome To Hungary!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pornó kisközség

A Kemenes-hát alján terül el Katonativornya, pornó kisközség... A kézimunkában gazdag tájon nagy hagyománya van a köcsögöknek, népi szőtteseknek valamint annak, hogy a fonóba küldik az asszonyokat este 4 és 8 óra között... A településen található pornó kiskastélyban manapság ősi mesterséget űznek, korábban gróf Telepi Csányi Lajos birtokát igazgatták innen... A községben működik tejüzem, található 2 mobilszolgáltató valamint bankfiók is... Nyaranta a gyerekek otthon játszanak, és kicsit skizofrének, úgyhogy az ilyesmin senki nem csodálkozik...

A település közelében található erdők korábban a dunai faszállításhoz szolgáltattak alapanyagot, manapság a Mercedes-Benz kecskeméti gyárába szállítanak famunkát... JC Chasez a tájat így írta le: dögunalom, sajnos itt élni nem lehet... JC Chasez Kr. e. 12-ben halt meg... A község felett minden héten rendszeresen megáll az Enterprise űrhajó...

In the pictures: dream and reality of Kemeneshát... The church building out of the Middle Age is definitely looking towards the mount Mecsek and the river Danube, respectively...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Practical Advice From Ancient Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why shouldn't you have more than one passenger car at home?

a) the aspect of personality: you have got only one personality that means one car is enough, there should be harmony in one's family, too,

b) the aspect of practice: one car means already enough expenses and tasks, you will not be able to work and to love if you spend all your time with sustaining your vehicle,

c) the aspect of technology: cars should be taken to a car service regularly, it can be best done by one car only,

d) the aspect of security: all technology breaks down way earlier than it is expected to break down, I know the explanation for it...

Computers with Microsoft Windows receive viruses from outside... Computers running Mac OS contain built-in viruses - they shouldn't... Computers should not contain any weapons against their valued users... Clever computer users buy cheaper computers...

Mr. Michael Jackson really had the idea that no person may have more than 2 computers at home... That means you must not be sold more than 2 computers if everybody is agreed in... Because once you have bought a computer then it is yours and you can use it as long as it is possible, naturally...

You need to destroy computers and home computers have to break down because the general directors of our companies want to spend some extra money on men, women and all other kinds of living creatures... Unfortunately...

My father and I know that our companies don't need any general directors - except for 2 persons altogether in the entire universe who we know personally...

I wanted to publish the same information of mine over 600 years ago, only that all electronics in my house went down...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Song On The Bahamas

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have some good music I promised from the music group Boney M... The summer might be a little too cold, within the videoclip there are heat and sunshine...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team