Friday, February 19, 2016

Anomalies In Planet Earth's Weather

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think current weather of both polar regions and tropical regions is anomalic... In the polar regions weather should be warm and dry as the air receives lots of sunshine but the soil receives hardly any sunshine... In the tropical regions weather should be warm and rainy as both air and soil receive much sunshine... Rainy weather should not only occur in a narrow strip next to the Equator but it should be there until the edges of tropical sun... I bet additional moisture in the polar regions originates from the tropical regions of Earth...

How does moisture wander from tropical regions to polar regions? And why are polar regions cold? Polar regions may be cold because of the lots of moisture in the atmosphere... Water disappears from the edges of tropical regions, in the middle there is still a rest of it... What transports water from the edges of tropical regions in polar regions? I think the pump may be underwater plants and giant algae, respectively...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team