Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Rolls-Royce Way Of Life And The Guru's Lotusfeet

Ladies and Gentlemen,

By the advice of one of my best friends I have acquired a second mobile phone number - my so called "work phone..." Very surprisingly this second mobile phone account does not mean more being childish but it means more prestige, security and consciousness - at a really affordable price...

Actually it is my best friend who means more prestige, security and consciousness (I have to share with him everything) and sometimes your friends and relatives just know better what you need... As a Lutheran pastor I know very well says: "I am us..."

The "problem corner" in my room still remains - I have thought of a comfortable armchair for my bodyguard... This best friend of mine says I cannot solve this... Hm...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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