Friday, November 11, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Two facts to be outlined clearly:

a) We need a hydrogen infrastructure, the hydrogen business and a sustainable world economy - instead of the carbondioxyd household, the greenhouse effect and the air polution by other toxic emissions...

b) The Sultanate of Brunei is mostly about Istana-Nurul-Iman, the largest palace of the world that my wife, Berta Wolfinger-Boeing and me, Joseph de la Mikula want to protect as our love nest - the rest of the Sultanate is only a "dressing" and a "camouflage" for the building without a legal or economical importance and it used to serve to protect the palace and its owners... Of course, my wife and me are ready to give up this camouflage as it already hinders development towards the hydrogen business and even our publicity and security have changed (e.g. Europe Tower, Versailles, KY)...

Thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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