Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bill (On Durable Laws) As Of April 24th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Only bills can be passed that are expected to remain valid for at least 100 years according to computer simulations and only laws can remain valid that survived at least 100 years...

2) Explanation:

a) Laws are meant to provide security and freedom to the Nation - "fire-fighting" or creating panic are the opposite of these aims...
b) Durable laws seem to be closer to science than the ad-hoc rules of a game - and science is also meant to provide with security and freedom...

3) Durable laws are meant to increase the efficiency and the quality of law-making, too - disregarded the costs of law-making (you'll have to use folklore as a method, for example)...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bill (On Environmental Protection And Space Research) As Of April 23rd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) I think the relationship of environmental protection and space research, the 2 new trends of heavy industry from the end of 20th Century can and should be regulated in a meaningful way...

2) Before and after 100% money is invested in space research 120% money should be invested in environmental protection each...

3) Explanation: space research is expected to increase the growth of heavy industry so strongly that you can expect a major environmental impact from this growth... As our healthy environment is very important for the survival of all species on Earth and other planets environmental impacts of heavy industry should be prevented or stopped...

4) Some details:

a) mankind should enter deep space already with clean and green technologies and
b) space research should be based on clean and green technologies, respectively and
c) when you discover any new environmental impacts of heavy industry these to all species destructive tendencies should be returned and stopped...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

RR In CHina

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rolls-Royce gibt sich sehr traditionell, und 10% weniger Verbrauch ist tatsaechlich wesentlich... Doch wer sind wohl die Kunden, die kein bisschen Hybrid wollen? Bei Ferrari reduziert ein experimenteller und hochintelligenter Hybrid-Antriebsstrang den Verbrauch der 12-Zylinder um 40% (ams) - das ist auch ein "seltenes" Erlebnis... Apropos Saft: es geht jetzt schon um gekühlte Getraenke, und nicht nur um Sekt - zum Wohl!

(Pay attention to the pillow in the rear of the Rolls-Royce Ghost Six Senses!)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Miracle Of 4-Door-Coupés

Dear Diary,

Mercedes-Benz CLA Design Concept - an exciting shape, the right size and a sportive interior... Mercedes survived in the compact class without the miracle of the sandwich-floor - I had never believed that...

Love, Joe

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dreams, Phantasies - And How To Realize Them

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Congratulations cordially to Bugatti for designing and producing the most successful - not only supersports car but - Bugatti of all times... I think the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 and its different versions were a significant contribution to the survival of car enthousiasts in the 1st decade of 21st Century - thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Spirit Of The 1980's

Dear Diary,

The Phantom Series II looks like the RR Spirit and Spur models - highly emotional to me...

Love, Joe

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bill (On The Basic Rules Of Interstellar Traffic) As Of April 4th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) In a stellar-system no spacecraft are allowed to travel at over-light speeds...

2) In case of an encounter of spacecraft (encounter = the approx. diameter of a stellar system) all vehicles are obliged to strive for both height and speed...

3) For tourist spacecraft there are no speed limits (security reasons or the right of way)...

4) Research spacecraft can only meet at a space station for a conference...

5) At 1 planet and during 1 earthly hour the arrival or departure of 2 spacecraft is allowed...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bill (On Coffee Tables) As Of April 2nd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) According to my observations coffee tables:

a) are dangerous (physical injuries and inappropriate nutrition),
b) take away useful space from a living room and
c) make socializing more difficult...

2) Therefore coffee tables are basically forbidden in the homes of the Nation... (Historical background: coffee tables used to be portable and decent pieces of furniture and a center of society - I don't know how they became so oppulent and heavy and dysfunctional...)

3) Coffee tables can be replaced by the following:

a) portable and foldable tables for work, dining or creativity,
b) snack trolleys,
c) footrests of any size,
d) vintage coffee tables,
e) trunks or
f) any other creative solutions...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Bill (On The Loneliness Of The Nation) As Of April 2nd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) In order to end and to avoid the isolation of the Nation from other countries it is allowed up to 10 Royal Families (earthly or extraterristrial ones) and the UNO to get insight into the life of the Nation:

a) they can live, work and study in the Nation,
b) they can observe the work of the Congress and of the Government and
c) they can observe the work of NASA...

2) Based on the insight of the Royal Families and of the UNO into the life of the Nation:

a) the Royal Families and the UNO can decide with whom they share their information,
b) the Royal Families and the UNO can give advice to the Administration of the Nation and
c) the Royal Families and the UNO can "import" laws and rights and all other knowledge from the Nation they deem useful (free of charge)...

3) Explanation:

a) the isolation of the Nation in the past caused uncertainty, disorder and fear in the Nation,
b) the isolation of the Nation made us frightening to foreigners,
c) the isolation of the Nation is an obstacle of intellectual development, economical growth and cultural welfare...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bill (On The Commitee Getting Operational) As Of April 1st 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) The Commitee To Rescue The King (that means any member of the Commitee) has got the right:

a) to speak to the King anytime,
b) to seduce the King anytime or
c) to grab the King anytime and to bring him into safety...

2) The Commitee To Rescue The King:

a) must not use any tools (handcuffs, ropes, drugs etc.) when grabbing the King, only muscle power,
b) may ignore the King's addressing the Nation until the King is onboard an airplane,
c) is responsible for the physical condition of the King from getting operational until the King is onboard an airplane - according to valid military and civil rights...

3) In the event of any failure ( = unexpected attack) The Commitee To Rescue The King:

a) is obliged to keep strong physical contact with the King until the danger is over,
b) is obliged to tell the truth about the person of the King until the danger is over,
c) is not allowed to return on their way to the West and
d) is obliged to maintain the survival of the King in Western Europe...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team