Monday, November 1, 2021

Let's Buy A Spacecraft

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A new aristocracy is coming known as Local Top Boys and Girls...


a) military experience,

b) university or college diploma,

c) mental fitness,

d) your project for the development of the community/region is the winner among the citizens

Support from the King:

a) for the closest family members 10x of the usual donation

b) for the aristocrat him- or herself 40x of the usual donation

c) METRO buyer's card etc.


maximally EUR 10 million pro citizen pro year

Rights of aristocrats:

a) support of churches, schools and hospitals

b) organising agricultural and industrial production, trade and transport

c) support of science and arts

d) organising of environmental protection

e) suggesting someone for punishment

f) protecting persons in need

g) organising infrastructural investments

h) supporting unpredictable development goals (i.e. a zoo)


a) castle and park or garden (or anything comparable, i.e. a penthouse)

b) private jet, yacht etc.

c) from the Sources, if the region or community vote so

The title of a Local Top Boy or Girl can be inherited but it can be also refused... An aristocratic title can be also renewed if anyone fulfils the conditions above...

Minimal extension of a region: 20 villages... Minimal extension of a community: 50.000 people... A region or a community can also extend over a city...

Of course, all grown-up citizens of my countries can become aristocrats, disregarded the colour of their skin or their sexual orientation or gender...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A Quick Look Into The Future

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to take distance from every far right ideology because I don't want to destroy but I want to build... I think there is a very simple rule in ecology: a small country is necessarily poor and a big country is necessarily rich... It's because in a small country there only a few people to work and to create value and in a big country there are many people to create value... Of course, there are exceptions to this rule... A city state can be rich if there is crude oil in the outer districts... And a big country can be also poor if it defies God... I think the future belongs to big countries which obey God and secure as many rights to their inhabitants as possible...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, February 25, 2021

My Heritage

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My foster-father was a very emotional man... He loved exaggerations... For example, when he died a couple of years ago he had no inner organ in which there was not a tumor...

He loved car-driving so much and he hated me so insanely that he ruled that any successful I am I cannot own or drive a car... He was the overhead of the underworld so there is now someone in the automotive world who makes his decision prevail...

I don't feel the need of owning or driving a car... I only wanted to help my computer that intends to make human rules valid in the automotive world...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team