Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chinese Language For Beginners

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When you hear Chinese people speak or rather when you listen to the parody of Chinese people you can very often hear sentences about "the Chinese man or woman..." For example: "the Chinese man is honest" or "the Chinese man likes market economy..."

Now I don't speak Chinese but I am convinced that such sentences should be translated in a little different way - namely by the general subject and as a general statement, respectively... For example: "you are honest" or "one likes market economy..." This makes more sense to me and it seems to be more realistic...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric As Of 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish for Rolls-Royce that they find more durable batteries for the electric Phantom than those in the 2011 version... Lythium-ion is state-of-the-art but the life-cycle of the batteries can be 10 years instead of 3 years, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Motivated Little Team

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't know what the experiment with the electric Phantom was good for but it is for sure that not only one person is responsible for the disappointment...

I don't know who is responsible for the unsuccess of the Maybach label or the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental within the Daimler and Boeing companies but it is for sure that the systems should be healed...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A New Generation Of Poets

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Without title (an ingenious poem in Hungarian)

a magány újra mellém dől
cigifüst száll az erkélyről
végül úgyis csak egy sóhaj marad
minden jó nőből

szívem megszokásból vár
fölém nem hajolhat már
végig hazugságokkal volt tele a két nagy szembogár...

This is half a sonnet...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bill (On Public Education) As Of May 14th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Attending a high-school and the final exam are mandatory...

2) Explanation:

a) everybody should have equal chances in a society - so everybody should have the chance to study and to have an intellectual work,
b) with automation less and less physical workers will be needed - that means people need the final exam for their common intellectual work in the future,
c) a final exam creates a similar intellectual level in the society - so you can expect a better communication and understanding in the society etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Magic Of Aston Martin May 5th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Can I have a beer, please?"
"But you are a director of chair at the university..."
"I'd like a beer, please..."
"You are the Director of Chair of Contemporary Psychodynamics, sir..."
"It's been an exhausting day..."
"What beer do you want?"
"A Coke... I'd like a Coke..."
"A Coke for the director of chair!"
"A Diet Coke, please..."
"A Diet Coke! How was your day, sir?"
"A lecture, a seminar and some research..."
"I see..."
"One of the students has got an Aston Martin and he said that reality is what you make of life..."
"Where is the problem?"
"I have a Peugeot... Do you know what a Peugeot is?"
"Is that infectional? O.k., it is some French label... Very sorry..."
"That's o.k. I am satisfied with my Peugeot..."
"Biscuit? You are the guest of the house..."
"Thank you! Finally, I have to re-think things... It is a compact car..."
"Can you drive me home, sir?"
"It is a limousine..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team