Saturday, December 1, 2012

Psychoanalytic Summer Camp 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to present to you the program of the annual Psychoanalytic Summer Camp... The camp is meant for beginners and it aims to reach the level of supervision... Furthermore the participants' self-experience and ability to work and to love should be increased...

                        MORNING         AFTERNOON            EVENING

Saturday          arrival                   introductory class        introductory class
Sunday            divine                   introductory class        introductory class

Monday          individual ther.      creative groups            theoretical work
Tuesday          individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Wednesday     individual ther.      creative groups            movie
Thursday        individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Friday             individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Saturday         excursion               excursion                     movie
Sunday           divine                     visitors                        grill party

Monday         individual ther.      creative groups            theoretical work
Tuesday         individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Wednesday    individual ther.      creative groups            movie
Thursday       individual ther.       group talk                    theoretical work
Friday            individual ther.       group talk                   theoretical work
Saturday        creative fair            creative fair                 disco
Sunday          divine                     camp closure

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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