Friday, March 16, 2012

Introduction Into The Concept Of Right

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The concept of right means to me that you are free to do certain things... Now if you have any freedom then it means that somebody loves you... In the case of the code of laws it is the state who loves you that much - by many, many laws...

So right could be compared to a system of coordinates in which you can move in a free way and you can find your way easily... If there is anarchy, disorder, confusion, chaos or war in a country then people don't know that clearly what to do (obviously in such situations you lack love in your life) and they cannot even move because they crash with others... This is the prison of anarchy and war and if you want to create peace it is basical to create rights and laws as well...

According to history that we can learn from the Bible humans first lived in Paradise: God, man and woman - this must have been pure and simple love... Until the snake broke Adam... Thereafter things became worse and worse (fatricide) so that God had to eliminate the wicked creatures except for Noah and the passengers of his ark... Then humans spread over the Earth again and God took the first opportunity to give Moses his commandments and later even His Son, Jesus Christ because God wanted to give humans freedom by His laws and teachings...

However right cannot only come from God but it can also originate from humans - I think this system is called a democracy... The right that comes from humans is just as much freedom and just as much love as the laws of God... Because both the laws of God and the laws of a democracy are valuable and precious it seems to make a sense to add the 2 systems - and then you have a constitutional monarchy or something like that...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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