Saturday, March 17, 2012

Women's Rights

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In most households it is still women who do house keeping... And what does it mean? For example you cook for 3 hours, you eat for 15 minutes and then you wash dishes for 1 hour... Previously you have to do the shopping... You also have to wash and iron clothes, do the rooms, take care of the children etc. So household keeping is a full-time job consisting of mostly physical work... As far as I know it women do this because of their emotions - in other words: because they love their families...

However women can do all intellectual jobs that men do and theoretically they could also have a career like men have... This wouldn't be only good for the individual women but for the entire society as well because women could enrich science, economy or arts by their contributions - instead of the beloved house keeping...

That's why I think if robots take over physical work in factories one day then they should also take over house keeping - so that women could really unfold as godesses:

a) a wife is thinking instead of you,
b) a wife sustains you financially and
c) a wife also allows you to have friends...

So this is the foundation of the New Wolfinger-Boeing Tax E (E stands for Equality) - because the Wolfinger-Boeing companies that could be enriched by the intellectual work of women want to supply homes with industrial robots that can run a household...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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