Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who Is Punishing Us?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The husband of my grand-mother is called János Bárány... János means God, Bárány means a lighting cloud...

The fascists are being killed by the iron curtain now because they kill each other on the streets in the chaos... They know that people who stay in their houses may stay alive... It is their interest to shut down the pipelines of gas so that people in their homes die as well...

A person called János Bárány who is a US Army general is shutting down gas pipelines in Hungary in order to avoid explosions of gas... I think he is punishing human beings in the name of fascists...

The father of my beloved father is a lighting cloud... When my father appears in my house depends on him looking for shelter... He wants to educate me because he wants to be good as soon as possible in order to deserve his shelter... I think he is chased by a Negro man who pretends to be the incorporation of the lighting cloud... The backbone of this Negro man was broken so that he has got a majestic appearance...

Lady Gaga are my friend Drew and me...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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