Thursday, December 1, 2011


Dear Diary,

Less known and less wealthy people trying to become successful by Blogs or Videos on the web: HORRIBLE! That is molestation...

12 years ago I was trying to call Madonna in her Los Angeles home: "Not at home..." I was sending her letters to England: "Here is Interpol... You will not be allowed to leave Hungary if you go on like this..." Why couldn't the "elderly lady" called M. Ciccone simply throw my love-letters to the trash and why did she have to read them when she got the love-letters mistakenly?

20 years ago when you got an annoying or simply wrong telephone call you put down the receiver and you meant: "Telephone-rogue..." or "Sick..." Today it is about justice...

They understand "Broadcast yourself" literally - and that is ridiculous... The web is only for the establishment...

Visit: YouTube

Love, Joe and Team

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