Tuesday, January 3, 2012

From The Life Of Other Rolls-Royce Owners

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Hello... Rolls-Royce Motor Cars?"
"Yeah... What do you want?"
"I am actually interested in the RR 102 EX..."
"The RR 102 EX is only a concept car... Not for sale..."
"I live in Seattle and New York and I thought it would be kind of cutting-edge to drive in these cities without emissions..."
"Sorry... The RR 102 EX is solely a working test bed to spark a global debate on electric luxury..."
"My name is Bill Gates and I could also buy some test vehicles... I am very interested in electric cars..."
"Mr. Gates? Of course, as a bespoke company we would be glad to sell you the Electric Phantom..."
"How many examples do you think of, sir?"
"2 ones..."
"O.k. We have taken your order... In case of a serial production the price will be reduced by the way..."
"Thank you... WiFi and an electric socket are available with you, aren't they?"
"Absolutely... We have also got built-in office computers, sir..."
"Fine... Thank you... Good-bye..."
"Good-bye, Mr. Zuckerberg..."
(Mr. Bill Gates of Microsoft)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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