Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Baby's Blog - Christmas

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You can run through this check-list for Christmas to improve your Holidays:

I have been strolling the shops to find the most beautiful:

a) earrings,
b) rings,
c) nose-rings or
d) piercings for you...

How high is your Christmas-tree this year?

a) below 2 meters,
b) between 2 and 3 meters,
c) over 3 meters...

I would like to present to you some tooth-jewelry this Christmas...

a) like or
b) dislike

I have read the License Agreement of my new computer...

a) agree or
b) decline

How do you like:

a) the shirts,
b) the underwear,
c) the tie or
d) the scarf I bought to you?

Which cake should I bake this year?

a) apple pie for 4 persons,
b) apple pie for 6 persons or
c) something with walnuts...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Baby's Blog - Shopping

Dear Diary,

I would like to order silk evening dresses with the following embroidered patterns:

10 pictures of the universe,
10 pictures of the jungle,
10 famous buildings,
10 dresses out of blue lace,
10 pictures of fancy cars,
10 phantasies about oeufs a la neige,
10 pictures of snowy mountains,
10 family members,
10 video clips,
10 electric power plants...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Psychoanalytic Summer Camp 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to present to you the program of the annual Psychoanalytic Summer Camp... The camp is meant for beginners and it aims to reach the level of supervision... Furthermore the participants' self-experience and ability to work and to love should be increased...

                        MORNING         AFTERNOON            EVENING

Saturday          arrival                   introductory class        introductory class
Sunday            divine                   introductory class        introductory class

Monday          individual ther.      creative groups            theoretical work
Tuesday          individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Wednesday     individual ther.      creative groups            movie
Thursday        individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Friday             individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Saturday         excursion               excursion                     movie
Sunday           divine                     visitors                        grill party

Monday         individual ther.      creative groups            theoretical work
Tuesday         individual ther.      group talk                    theoretical work
Wednesday    individual ther.      creative groups            movie
Thursday       individual ther.       group talk                    theoretical work
Friday            individual ther.       group talk                   theoretical work
Saturday        creative fair            creative fair                 disco
Sunday          divine                     camp closure

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Living Culture

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pillow fights are forbidden because feathers can ruin a whole room... That means pillow fights are seriously self-destructive...

On the other hand, no other pieces of furniture are less dangerous than pillows and carpets... Arabians who found out universities, banks or the oil business want to live in a great security obviously...

If rain is a symbol of blessing then you shouldn't be surprised over a rain shower in Makkah either...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Baby's Blog - Anti-Madness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Omnipotent tendencies" mean the beginning of mental diseases as they are connected to loneliness... However you shouldn't mix them up with secret abilities... Just like:

• drawing castles and gardens,
• joking about success or
• simply moving things by your mental power...

Others are going to love them... Actually my family lives in a house that I designed when I was a teenager...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Hypnosis

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Many years ago someone tried to hypnotize me... However I only fell asleep on the train on the way back home and I decided to walk in our town...

This picture of The Boeing Company must be much better... A Boeing 747-8 Freighter of Korean Air looks like Air Force One... "Buy Boeing!"

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Baby's Blog - The Pink Panther

Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to the German car magazin Auto Motor und Sport a Mercedes E 500 belongs to the "secret desires of family men..." And I believe it... The problem is that I liked this car already in the 1990's when I was 19 - 24 years old...

Who knows the explanation?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Baby's Blog - Frame

Dear Joe,

I would like to say thank you for using your apartment... Here you have 2 new thoughts in return:

a) Art is a crime that is not punished... And not rewarded either...

b) Don't mind being a psychoanalyst... I have got enough to tell you...

Next are my ideas for furnishing the condo... If I were you I made an art gallery out of it... No tiles but paintings...

Best wishes, ACME

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce September 22nd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars are not connected to any religion, the devotion comes from elsewhere... Despite of this, here you have a collection of religious speeches connected to Rolls-Royce:

a) The history of Rolls-Royce
b) User's Manual
c) Abundant veneers
d) British steel and aluminium
e) Foamed titanium
f) Crewe and Goodwood
g) For owner-drivers
h) Reaching perfect silence
i) Alternative power trains
j) Rolls-Royce and recycling
k) Igor
l) Wilton carpets
m) What we are living for
n) Rolls-Royce and the BMW Group
o) Who wanted to look like a cow
p) Life in a monastery
q) Millionaires and billionaires
r) Rolls-Royce and Royalty

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - In The Loving Memory Of A Blogger

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is not as easy to write about The Boeing Company: you need knowledge, you need relationships (worldwide!) and lots of emotions...

Our friend, who passed away so suddenly was a real fan a the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, he documented the success of this ultra-modern airplane from its design over its testing over its first deliveries... He was a prophet of the Boeing 737 MAX as well and his enthousiasm must have contributed to the success of this marvel of efficiency and to the record sales already during the design phase...

Our friend left us just when Air China made their order for 5 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinentals firm and he couldn't be part of the celebration any more... I would like to say thank you to Air China also in his name and I promise to write on about The Boeing Company in the spirit the late Blogger...

You can find an interesting article with a video about the Boeing ecoDemonstrator at ...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stone Age Online

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have made a short list of what kinds of documents you need if you want to use a passenger car:

1) driving license
2) road traffic validation
3) environmental certification
4) certification of originality
5) car insurances
6) car tax receipt
7) road toll receipt
8) service book

Here you have a short list of what you need if you want to use a computer:

1) internet account
2) virus protection and firewall
3) a couple of good browsers
4) a couple of email accounts
5) accounts of social media
6) a collection of favourites
7) management of mobile devices
8) messenger services

I definetily don't want to recall the stone age but I have the feeling that you need to choose between owning a car or a computer... Both objects require so many certifications or accounts that you simply don't have any more time and energy for anything else than keeping up the ownerships - if you want to have both a car and a computer...

No time and energy for a social life,
no time and energy for sports,
no time and energy for work,
no time and energy for hobbies etc.

What you may have instead is stress, physical decay, depression, boredom etc.

For example in a household where 2 adults live together you can have one car and one computer without becoming a slave of technology... However if you want to own both machines on your own then the rest of your life might shrink to misery... I have "chosen" to own a computer and to use public transportation...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce August 13th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The name of the Rolls-Royce label is connected to humor strongly, too... A couple of subjects that people at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars laugh at:

a) the life of saints,
b) white glow,
c) scientology today,
d) sparkling,
e) futurism,
f) industrial robots,
g) family,
h) rear seat entertainment,
i) the best joke of the world,
j) my other car is a Rolls-Royce,
k) My Fair Lady,
l) a sea of mud etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

German Women

Ladies and Gentlemen,

German men are supposed:

to help in the kitchen and elsewhere in the household, too,
to take care of the children and
to do the shopping etc.

I only don't know what German women do in the meantime... Obviously they are interested in science, religion and politics... So in the heart of Europe there is democracy...

The 20 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinentals of Lufthansa (with 20 options) must have been a decision of German women, too... And this tells much about the qualities of the new Jumbo Jet of Boeing: powerful yet quiet, traditional yet environmentally friendly, state-of-the-art yet romantic...

It is more difficult to understand the unsuccess of the Maybach label... Without an angel on the cooler you cannot really leave the house...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Extraterristrial Jokes

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Extraterristrial jokes are so very much trendy nowadays... And you know: once fashion - always fashion... Here you have a couple of them:

Two goldfish are swimming in a tank...
"Do you know how to drive such a thing?"
"No idea..."
(they are aliens)

"I have been to the dentist's today..."
"I'm so sorry... Was it bad? When do you go next time?"
(the patient is an alien)

"I think Dave is a very correct and likable alien..."
"Rich and likable are not the same, Mom..."
(the girl needs some therapy)

"I am going to buy you a ticket for the UFO..."
"You are the best Daddy in the world..."
(this family haven't met aliens yet)

"What is it: green and invisible?"
"No alien..."
(for one of my best friends)

"I think I was on an alien spacecraft..."
"But you are doing fine now, aren't you?"
(this is raunchy)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Summit Of Coolness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today I have found a very interesting article at on the future of aviation... I would like to apologize at Mr. Mark Zuckerberg because his cool company is mentioned as a kind of a relatively negative example for internet usage in this article - but you know I am really interested in the topic...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Air travel remains real World Wide Web as Facebook won’t replace face to face

Survey highlights opportunities to improve passenger experience
6 July 2012
On the eve of the Farnborough International Airshow, Airbus reveals the latest findings in a two-year global consultation with more than 1.75 million people which spells out what passengers want from flying in the future: more sustainable; less stressful; and more of it, despite social media revolutionising how we keep in touch.
•63% of people worldwide say they will fly more by 2050
•60% do not think social media will replace the need to see people face-to-face
•96% believe aircraft will need to be more sustainable or ‘eco-efficient’
•Almost 40% feel air travel (door-to-door) is increasingly stressful

“Aviation is the real World Wide Web,” says Charles Champion, Airbus Executive Vice President, Engineering. “The results of the survey show that there is nothing better than face to face contact. The world is woven together by a web of flights that creates ever-expanding social and economic networks: 57 million jobs, 35 per cent of world trade, and US$2.2 trillion in global GDP.

“Since we launched the Future by Airbus, we have engaged with people in 192 countries in a dialogue about the future of air travel. This resulted in our revolutionary Airbus Concept Plane and Cabin which offer a glimpse into some of the innovations that could meet evolving passenger trends and environmental considerations. It’s clear that people are really excited about the future of sustainable flight and we want them to be part of shaping that future.”

•86% of people think less fuel burn is key and 85% a reduction in carbon emissions
•66% want quieter aircraft and 65% planes which are fully recyclable

But Champion notes that as more people fly more often, the greater their expectations will be for the ‘end-to-end passenger experience.’ The Airbus consultation highlights a predictable list of gripes: queues at passport control; slow check-in and baggage collection; sitting on the tarmac; and circling in holding patterns around airports.
“In London for example we’ve seen concern about queues at airports and people are understandably not happy about it,” he adds. “But the reality is those capacity constraints are a sign of things to come unless the industry can work together to cut delays, and with aviation set to double in the next 15 years, that’s what we’re looking at.”

More than 90 per cent of the €2 billion that Airbus spends on Research & Development is directed at improving the environmental performance of its aircraft. The latest generation includes the flagship A380, the world’s largest yet quietest commercial aircraft; a fuel efficient ‘new engine option’ for the A320 family, the A320neo; and the A350 XWB that will provide a 25 per cent step-change in fuel efficiency whilst giving passengers more space on board.

Notes to Editors

- Airbus has engaged with over 1.75 million people through airshows, events and online since 2010 as part of the Future by Airbus – its vision of sustainable aviation in 2050. Its latest findings are based on responses from 10,000 people across 10 countries

- The Airbus Concept Plane illustrates what air transport could look like in 2050– even 2030 if advancements in existing technologies continue apace. Airbus experts in aircraft materials, aerodynamics, cabins and engines came up with the design which is an ‘engineer’s dream’ to meet the expectations of the passengers of the future. Ultra long and slim wings, semi-embedded engines, a U-shaped tail and light-weight ‘intelligent’ body all feature to further improve environmental performance or ‘eco-efficiency’. The result: lower fuel burn, a significant cut in emissions, less noise and greater comfort.

- The Airbus Concept Cabin later gave insight into the innovations that might shape passenger experiences on board. Personalised ‘Vitalising’, ’Smart Tech’, and ‘Interactive’ zones replace first, business and economy classes; and passengers can stargaze through a transparent wall membrane, from morphing seats that harvest body heat for power.

- On the A380 passengers use just three litres of fuel to travel 100km – the same as a small family car. The A320neo, the fastest-selling commercial jetliner ever, features a 15 per cent reduction in fuel consumption. The A350 XWB offers passengers more headroom, the widest seats in its category and larger overhead storage space.

- The aviation industry as a whole has reduced fuel burn and emissions by 70% and noise by 75% in the last 40 years. It is now targeting total carbon neutral growth by 2020 and a 50% net CO2 emissions reduction by 2050.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tent Garage For Smart And For A Good Start

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars don't seem to be too enthousiastic about my idea of a tent garage (with an underfloor) for beginners... Maybe the Smart label of the Daimler PLC...

In this version of the fully closed tent garage you can let gasous helium and thus you can park your car up in the sky... In my concept you could have the floating tent garage in various colours - just like balloons... By remote control you could pump the helium back into its bottles and so your Smart would descend on the street again...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chinese Language For Beginners

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When you hear Chinese people speak or rather when you listen to the parody of Chinese people you can very often hear sentences about "the Chinese man or woman..." For example: "the Chinese man is honest" or "the Chinese man likes market economy..."

Now I don't speak Chinese but I am convinced that such sentences should be translated in a little different way - namely by the general subject and as a general statement, respectively... For example: "you are honest" or "one likes market economy..." This makes more sense to me and it seems to be more realistic...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric As Of 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish for Rolls-Royce that they find more durable batteries for the electric Phantom than those in the 2011 version... Lythium-ion is state-of-the-art but the life-cycle of the batteries can be 10 years instead of 3 years, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Motivated Little Team

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't know what the experiment with the electric Phantom was good for but it is for sure that not only one person is responsible for the disappointment...

I don't know who is responsible for the unsuccess of the Maybach label or the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental within the Daimler and Boeing companies but it is for sure that the systems should be healed...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A New Generation Of Poets

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Without title (an ingenious poem in Hungarian)

a magány újra mellém dől
cigifüst száll az erkélyről
végül úgyis csak egy sóhaj marad
minden jó nőből

szívem megszokásból vár
fölém nem hajolhat már
végig hazugságokkal volt tele a két nagy szembogár...

This is half a sonnet...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bill (On Public Education) As Of May 14th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Attending a high-school and the final exam are mandatory...

2) Explanation:

a) everybody should have equal chances in a society - so everybody should have the chance to study and to have an intellectual work,
b) with automation less and less physical workers will be needed - that means people need the final exam for their common intellectual work in the future,
c) a final exam creates a similar intellectual level in the society - so you can expect a better communication and understanding in the society etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Magic Of Aston Martin May 5th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Can I have a beer, please?"
"But you are a director of chair at the university..."
"I'd like a beer, please..."
"You are the Director of Chair of Contemporary Psychodynamics, sir..."
"It's been an exhausting day..."
"What beer do you want?"
"A Coke... I'd like a Coke..."
"A Coke for the director of chair!"
"A Diet Coke, please..."
"A Diet Coke! How was your day, sir?"
"A lecture, a seminar and some research..."
"I see..."
"One of the students has got an Aston Martin and he said that reality is what you make of life..."
"Where is the problem?"
"I have a Peugeot... Do you know what a Peugeot is?"
"Is that infectional? O.k., it is some French label... Very sorry..."
"That's o.k. I am satisfied with my Peugeot..."
"Biscuit? You are the guest of the house..."
"Thank you! Finally, I have to re-think things... It is a compact car..."
"Can you drive me home, sir?"
"It is a limousine..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bill (On Durable Laws) As Of April 24th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Only bills can be passed that are expected to remain valid for at least 100 years according to computer simulations and only laws can remain valid that survived at least 100 years...

2) Explanation:

a) Laws are meant to provide security and freedom to the Nation - "fire-fighting" or creating panic are the opposite of these aims...
b) Durable laws seem to be closer to science than the ad-hoc rules of a game - and science is also meant to provide with security and freedom...

3) Durable laws are meant to increase the efficiency and the quality of law-making, too - disregarded the costs of law-making (you'll have to use folklore as a method, for example)...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bill (On Environmental Protection And Space Research) As Of April 23rd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) I think the relationship of environmental protection and space research, the 2 new trends of heavy industry from the end of 20th Century can and should be regulated in a meaningful way...

2) Before and after 100% money is invested in space research 120% money should be invested in environmental protection each...

3) Explanation: space research is expected to increase the growth of heavy industry so strongly that you can expect a major environmental impact from this growth... As our healthy environment is very important for the survival of all species on Earth and other planets environmental impacts of heavy industry should be prevented or stopped...

4) Some details:

a) mankind should enter deep space already with clean and green technologies and
b) space research should be based on clean and green technologies, respectively and
c) when you discover any new environmental impacts of heavy industry these to all species destructive tendencies should be returned and stopped...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

RR In CHina

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rolls-Royce gibt sich sehr traditionell, und 10% weniger Verbrauch ist tatsaechlich wesentlich... Doch wer sind wohl die Kunden, die kein bisschen Hybrid wollen? Bei Ferrari reduziert ein experimenteller und hochintelligenter Hybrid-Antriebsstrang den Verbrauch der 12-Zylinder um 40% (ams) - das ist auch ein "seltenes" Erlebnis... Apropos Saft: es geht jetzt schon um gekühlte Getraenke, und nicht nur um Sekt - zum Wohl!

(Pay attention to the pillow in the rear of the Rolls-Royce Ghost Six Senses!)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Miracle Of 4-Door-Coupés

Dear Diary,

Mercedes-Benz CLA Design Concept - an exciting shape, the right size and a sportive interior... Mercedes survived in the compact class without the miracle of the sandwich-floor - I had never believed that...

Love, Joe