Monday, December 1, 2014

Holoemissive Rules

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My being imprisoned in my house in 74 Táncsics M. str., Gyömrő for over 2,500 years depends on the following holoemissive rules:

a) I must not differ so much from other examples of my species, from outside at least - half of my life I must live in my house...

b) My house is very valuable already and many people don't live in such a precious building... I have to be true to this building and I will be only allowed to live in a royal palace in millions of years - when the welfare of the general public makes it possible...

c) A shield in my home can be directed by everybody who wants to protect the king (for example JB or my old class-mates) - so I have to behave...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Experience Of Computeral Protection

Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to computer I act in such a bad manners out of a military respect that it was better to the general public if I was executed...

a) After World War II I faced the executioner, too...

b) My brother or father Peter was not problematic for decades...

c) My foster-mother is not dead either... She has just given me a sign of that she was trying to be flexible...

d) Computer is ignoring basic programs regarding its holoemissive functions... My friend Alexander is raging because I am too fast...

My Grand-mother can be turned into an executioner, for example... In the beginning of my life in Paris my brother George was an executioner, then he was being my friend for centuries - at the end of my life in Paris he turned into an executioner again...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Here We Go

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have collected my memories on my rebirths and who I was brought up by:

a) In Mesopotamia I was brought up by my beloved mother and my sister Sarah...

b) In Egypt I was brought up by my grand-mother and a foster-mother...

c) In Medieval Hungary I was brought up by my grand-mother and a foster-mother...

d) In France I was brought up by a Noun and my beloved father...

e) In Modern Hungary I was brought up by my grand-mother and a foster-mother...

Is it possible that my foster-mother always is my sister Sarah (fairy tales, money and tolerance towards my friends)? Is it possible that my foster-mother never was a writer but my sister Sarah writes novels to children and savagely funny short stories?

In Paris of the Ancient Age I used to know that my sister Sarah is a writer but then I forgot it again... "From NSYNC I love my brother George the most..." This is true because he is very often my mother...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who Is Punishing Us?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The husband of my grand-mother is called János Bárány... János means God, Bárány means a lighting cloud...

The fascists are being killed by the iron curtain now because they kill each other on the streets in the chaos... They know that people who stay in their houses may stay alive... It is their interest to shut down the pipelines of gas so that people in their homes die as well...

A person called János Bárány who is a US Army general is shutting down gas pipelines in Hungary in order to avoid explosions of gas... I think he is punishing human beings in the name of fascists...

The father of my beloved father is a lighting cloud... When my father appears in my house depends on him looking for shelter... He wants to educate me because he wants to be good as soon as possible in order to deserve his shelter... I think he is chased by a Negro man who pretends to be the incorporation of the lighting cloud... The backbone of this Negro man was broken so that he has got a majestic appearance...

Lady Gaga are my friend Drew and me...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Car Life - August 24th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have gathered a couple of pieces of false report which can appear in the future over me... By heart!

a) I wanted to run over a Scientologist who was just pregnant,

b) I wanted to run over the psychiatrist who just appeared to help me,

c) I stung one of my own eyes during speeding,

d) I opened the door so that my beloved brother fell out of the speeding supersportscar,

e) I opened the door so that Mr. Will Smith fell out of the speeding supersportscar,

f) I have a brain tumor that's why I am speeding and I need a microchip surged into my brain,

g) the driving license I own belongs to the son of a psychiatrist, actually,

h) I gave a lift to a little Spaniard marine who took me onto an aircraft carrier where I became a victim of torture voluntarily,

i) I was chiding the system and the President of the USA,

j) I was speeding,

k) I fought K1 with Jonathan Scott while Drew Scott was betting on us...

If I don't put down the possibility of moderate drug usage, bottles of drug will appear in my car...

Effect in the 18th Century: "Who do you think can afford a car in the USA?"

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - New Design Elements

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is the fear that the full-double-deck version of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental was not capable of flying, by the lengthening of the upper deck of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing you would create a so called "static airplane..." It's not about the sales but it is about design...

I am certain that the full-double-deck version of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing was able to fly without any modifications, too... However I would like to outline 2 possibilities of making the aircraft easier to fly...

a) the aircraft can be made out of carbon fibre plastic in secret, like the Boeing 777X,

b) ribbed wing-tops and elevator-tops...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Grand-mother Or The Queen Of Intellect

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The alter egos of my friend Philipp do believe that they are my real friends... Why are they not interested in me sexually?

An alter ego receives a cat in a box from my former wife... He puts the cat on his face and the cat presses a huge nail into the penis of the alter ego... The alter ego enjoys the nail in his penis and he feels hardly any pain - that is why he needs the cat... Unfortunately the cat is torn apart while it reaches the lend of the alter ego standing on his face - when the cat is torn apart it sounds like a loud bang...

My Grand-mother is said to play the guitar naked to my former wife... That's what makes my former wife calm - you know her...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Welcome To Hungary!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pornó kisközség

A Kemenes-hát alján terül el Katonativornya, pornó kisközség... A kézimunkában gazdag tájon nagy hagyománya van a köcsögöknek, népi szőtteseknek valamint annak, hogy a fonóba küldik az asszonyokat este 4 és 8 óra között... A településen található pornó kiskastélyban manapság ősi mesterséget űznek, korábban gróf Telepi Csányi Lajos birtokát igazgatták innen... A községben működik tejüzem, található 2 mobilszolgáltató valamint bankfiók is... Nyaranta a gyerekek otthon játszanak, és kicsit skizofrének, úgyhogy az ilyesmin senki nem csodálkozik...

A település közelében található erdők korábban a dunai faszállításhoz szolgáltattak alapanyagot, manapság a Mercedes-Benz kecskeméti gyárába szállítanak famunkát... JC Chasez a tájat így írta le: dögunalom, sajnos itt élni nem lehet... JC Chasez Kr. e. 12-ben halt meg... A község felett minden héten rendszeresen megáll az Enterprise űrhajó...

In the pictures: dream and reality of Kemeneshát... The church building out of the Middle Age is definitely looking towards the mount Mecsek and the river Danube, respectively...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Practical Advice From Ancient Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why shouldn't you have more than one passenger car at home?

a) the aspect of personality: you have got only one personality that means one car is enough, there should be harmony in one's family, too,

b) the aspect of practice: one car means already enough expenses and tasks, you will not be able to work and to love if you spend all your time with sustaining your vehicle,

c) the aspect of technology: cars should be taken to a car service regularly, it can be best done by one car only,

d) the aspect of security: all technology breaks down way earlier than it is expected to break down, I know the explanation for it...

Computers with Microsoft Windows receive viruses from outside... Computers running Mac OS contain built-in viruses - they shouldn't... Computers should not contain any weapons against their valued users... Clever computer users buy cheaper computers...

Mr. Michael Jackson really had the idea that no person may have more than 2 computers at home... That means you must not be sold more than 2 computers if everybody is agreed in... Because once you have bought a computer then it is yours and you can use it as long as it is possible, naturally...

You need to destroy computers and home computers have to break down because the general directors of our companies want to spend some extra money on men, women and all other kinds of living creatures... Unfortunately...

My father and I know that our companies don't need any general directors - except for 2 persons altogether in the entire universe who we know personally...

I wanted to publish the same information of mine over 600 years ago, only that all electronics in my house went down...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Song On The Bahamas

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have some good music I promised from the music group Boney M... The summer might be a little too cold, within the videoclip there are heat and sunshine...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team